Thursday, June 5, 2008


Noun: jape
A humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter.

yeap this name suits me really well. kudos to min for coming up with the name.
i'm sure most of you are wondering how the name came about.
so i'm known as ape to some of my friends
apparently it's because of the way i walk or something.
anyway, we were planning the chalet list the other day
and min was writing down everyone's name.
so it was like; safy, min, ape
and i went "why can't i have my real name written down like everyone else?"
so min went "fine" and she wrote J-A-P-E.
and that's how Jape came about.
muahahahaha min you've just unleashed Jape to the world!

sorry i'm just bored of studying IT.