Saturday, November 8, 2008

so i know my blog is kinda dead because of NS.
don't really have much time to blog when i book out cause i got things to do
plus i can't exactly say anything about what we do inside.
sigh anyway what i can say is that i finally got my IPPT/NAPFA silver.
which means more privileges such as later book ins and stuff.
and that's on top of my drill squad privileges.
why did i join the drill squad is beyond me.
i hate marching yet i have to master in for this competition.
and i spent half of today shining my boots.
all this for earlier book outs and later book ins.
sigh next week is gonna suck big time.
i might have to go for ANOTHER field camp
and i got my "regimental" 24 hours guard duty on sunday.
which means i book in on saturday night instead of sunday.
god i hate the army