Saturday, July 25, 2009

john is quite bitter because of sunday guard duty X:(

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

½ and ¾ are fractions..

so i'll make it a point to update a little more.
reason because i got alot of time after i book out.
should put this time to good use
i should probably start hitting the gym again soon.
currently keen on MMA(mixed martial arts) classes.
anyone wanna tag along?
i figure i should pick up something new before i get too old.
making a million before hitting 24 sounds good too.
life's too short to be sitting around doing nothing useful.
kinda one of the few things on my mind.
1 year and 2 months to ORD.
i hope to accomplish something during period.
get fit(ter); part time degree; million bucks.
something, well anything for that matter.
maybe i should start with my room.
been thinking of sprucing it up.
remove all the junk etc.
yeah pretty much it.
till next time.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

serve and fuck off.

today's post will be reflected on a certain organisation.
currently this is the situation.
in this organisation, the longer you are in, the more power you hold.
this gives you the ability to push your duties to others.
this is especially so if you hold a certain rank or appointment.
when rewarded, these people accept all the credit.
when in fault, they push all the blame.
from the way i see it, it can never be eradicated.
this will keep going on as long as this organisation is working.
it has been my utmost displeasure to be working for people whom i have no human respect for.
day in and out, i have to listen to their bullshit about responsibilities.
when the matter of fact is they have none.
lies lies lies, just something which they tell you to make you hope.
hope something good would actually happen.
when deep down you know it will never end.
i really think only dumb mindless fucks will give years of their lives serving.
these people can't operate in the real world and they know it.
that's why they remain in here, "working hard".
but remember, without us.
they really aren't anything.
all i can say is keep on living fuckers.
i just wanna serve and fuck off.
most of us do.

on a lighter note, 1/2 a week more before the weekends.
will be off on monday.
therapy session is needed (yes that means you steph)
erm guess i should start getting some things done around.
best to make use of whatever time i have.