Saturday, September 13, 2008


well it's day 0 officially.
in 7 hours, i will be waking up and making my way to camp.
anyway here are some shout outs to some people i guess.
just read where you think you fall under.

safy: thanks for spending time with me on my last day of freedom. i had a blast and i couldn't have asked for a better day with anyone else. i love you so much and please do take care of yourself. best of luck with year 2 in uni and as well as the new paper new face contest.(please vote her people thanks). 2 years is pretty long, but i'm sure things will be just fine. wait for my call/sms every night ok snuggles? onlyou babe. thanks for being my everything.

the guys: pcc your NBs all big. thanks for taking care of pancakes muachee. if you having trouble or what not please tell steph k. best of luck to you guys who just started SIP. may the spirit of the dota warrior be with you all pcc.

the gals: besides min and sze, i dunno if the rest of you guys read my blog or not la. but anyway, take care of yourselves and do watch over my lady for me in my absence ok? ahh keep smiling, have fun and best of luck with uni. peace.

c140: ahhh if i didnt quit i would still be having SIP/MP with you guys. oh well.. anyway best of luck with the rest of your SIP/MP or what not. ADD OIL AND DON'T GIVE UP!

family: i will definitely miss home. to my sisters please be good and don't make trouble for mom and dad. ahh to my parents, please run the household well and stop messing up. love you guys.

others: to whoever it may concern, please pick accordingly..take care/good luck/pcc/shoik-a-moomoo to you.

ahh that's pretty much it.
i honestly am not looking forward to defending in a country where i have no trust in the system. but i'm doing this not for myself or singapore. but for all my friends, family and loved ones. I AM DEFENDING SINGAPORE FOR YOU GUYS! and that's a good enough reason for me to serve national service. take care all.